SÅ ER VI IGANG Mit regnestykke tidligere i denne tråd ser næsten ud til at holde stik..
Se nedenstående mail
Dear Mikael,
I have gone ahead and placed an order for you. Here is your order number: 70101654.
Your merchandise total for the 14 filters is $685.30. After the shipping charges, your total is $866.32 USD.
Here is our bank information so that you can make the wire transfer:
Bank: Union Bank of California
Address: La Jolla, CA 92037
Account Number: 6050047219
Routing Number: 122000496
Please let me know when you have made this transfer, and get me a confirmation number so that I can watch out for it.
Also, please get me your full address, city, state, postal code, and a phone number.
Thank you,
Ben Cheah
9210 Sky Park Court, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92123
Tel: 1.800.874.8888 ext. 141
Fax: 858.569.8503
Email: bcheah@autoanything.com
Man bliver aldrig
helt færdig med sin
SWIFT Mikael Stoustrup